Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO), Ministry of Commerce and Food Innovation and Packaging Center (FIN), Chiang Mai University realize the importance of Eco-Packaging Development for the Business Sector through the International Webinar and Online Business Matching on

“The Future for Sustainable Eco-Packaging” during 2 – 3 September 2021

(Attendance is free of charge and pre-registers only)

August 2021, Bangkok

Trade Policy and Strategy Office (TPSO), Ministry of Commerce has run the project to integrate SMEs entrepreneurs into environmentally friendly packaging development linked to global value chain under economic and technical cooperation of ASEAN – Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement with an aim to cultivate awareness and good understanding among SMEs businesses and farmers toward potential and opportunity of green packaging business by joining hands with Food Innovation and Packaging Center (FIN) to find ways and means to support environmentally friendly packaging development throughout global value chain in order to promote the country’s  grassroots economy.

With regard to this purpose, a two-day online academic seminar and the online business matching are initiated under the theme “The Future for Sustainable Eco-Packaging (Webinar)”.  This seminar shall be organized during 2 – 3 September 2021 from 09.00 to 17.00 hrs. whereas the business matching activity is scheduled from 15.00 to 17.00 hrs. on the first day of the seminar. The key objectives of this event are to raise awareness and good understanding among SMEs entrepreneurs and farmers in Thai and ASEAN countries toward opportunity and challenge of environmentally friendly packaging business and to make the most of fruitful advices on environmentally friendly packaging enhancement as well as policy recommendations for Thai and ASEAN countries’ governments in order to create packaging business network in global market. This remarkable event shall gather numbers of key target groups, representing public and private sectors, academic institutions, SMEs entrepreneurs in particular agriculture business, farmers, waste management businesses, cooperatives and those businesses with packaging in need within the country and significant economic zones of global value chain on environmentally friendly packaging especially countries, serving as Thailand and ASEAN’s major export markets as well as those which place an importance on policy formulation and enforcement and environmentally friendly packaging promotion such as China, Hong Kong, the European Union, the United States of America, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia and Singapore.

Participants shall be updated with new technical know-how, business orientation and opportunity on environmentally friendly packaging by expert speakers from various companies such as Thai Bioplastics Industry Association, National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA/ Food Innopolis), PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (PTTGC), Nestlé (Thai) Limited, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (Tistr) / Plastics Institute of Thailand and TechSci Research.  Interesting activity added to this event is an online dialogue under the theme Environmentally Friendly Packaging Business Criterion and Challenge, Sustainability of Global Value Chain in Food Packaging Business and Case Study: Eco-Packaging: the Achieved Case Study “Brand Gracz” and Wongpanit International Company Limited together with guest speaker from Euromonitor International.

The business matching activity also provides opportunities for seller-buyer to meet and match with the right target to expand the business in the ASEAN region. Meet our exhibitors such as Advance BIO / Bio Eco / Bioform (Thailand) / CIP – PE Thai Co,.Ltd. / Narai Superbag Co.,Ltd. and Thai Starch Co.,Ltd. Register now at

If you are interested to participate in this event, please pre-register at

For more information, please call +662-1116611 (VNU Asia Pacific) or email to:  [email protected] or visit a website: